Module 2 – Young Drivers (17 - 25 years)

The emphasis of this training is to familiarise the students with the IAM Road Smart models of POWDERY, Petrol, Oil, Water, Damage, Electrics, Rubber and Yourself and the IPSGA, Information, Position, Speed, Gear and Acceleration.


On successful completion of the module each student will be able to;

1. Complete a POWDERY check.
2. Complete a competent drive using the IPSGA model.
3. Complete an assessed drive demonstrating good use of advanced driving skills Using IPSGA to manage hazards.

Module Delivery

The event will commence with a classroom input followed by practical demonstrations and all other learning is through instructor lead practical learning. Each group of 2 students will be allocated an advanced driver observer, who will instruct them using the IAM Road Smart Advanced Driver Course logbook.

Composition of Module

There are 4 training days structured separately as follows;

1. 2 hours of theory and presentations, 1.5 hours of driving.
2. 2 x 1.5 hours of driving.
3. 2 x 1.5 hours of driving.
4. 1.5 hour driving and mock test.

Towards the end of the course an IAM Examiner will contact each candidate to agree a convenient location and date for their Test.

The onus on the young drivers is that they continue to practice independently between the driving days promoting a continuous learning and attitude modification through practice.


The students will be assessed on;

• Knowledge of IPSGA.
• Driving application and ability.
• General attitudes and behaviour.


One area that will be closely monitored and reported on will be the attitudes of the drivers and emphasis will be placed on the promotion of both safety and good driver practices.

Drivewise Borders courses on offer in 2024

Advanced driver scheme dates for 2024 are:

View Sunday Timetable >

View Wednesday Timetable >

Interested in our Module?

If you are a young driver and are interested in our module then please contact Drivewise using the form below.

Drivewise Borders